
The first thing most people notice about our church is the liturgy. We all say things together, or in response, back and forth to God. We stand and sit and sometimes kneel. Some people bow or cross themselves. But the word, “liturgy,” means, “work of the people.” Our service is participatory. We don’t sit back and watch the people up front do all of the work, we join in! We pray, we read psalms, we confess, we move our bodies, and we sing. Everyone is involved in the service, and that can take some getting used to. But if you give it some time, you will find that the liturgy is deeply formative. It is simply Scripture rearranged for worship. So the liturgy both helps to protect us from going astray, and forms us on a solid foundation. Because when we join in the work of the people each week, we find that God is shaping his people to be a Gospel people. Our sin is exposed, grace is proclaimed, and we are encouraged to respond with lively faith. We love the liturgy, and hope you will too.

Sunday School

At Christ Church, we love kids! You will often hear kids in our services, and we thank God for that. The sound of children in the service is the sound of the faith being passed on to the next generation. We do offer Sunday School during the sermon portion of our service for kids who are in preschool to 3rd grade. We have fantastic teachers and helpers. And we use an engaging and Biblically grounded curriculum called God’s Big Story.


Catechesis is an old word for Christian discipleship. It is the process through which individuals of all ages grow in their understanding and practice of the faith. Rooted in the rich traditions of the Church, catechesis provides a systematic and comprehensive way to impart knowledge, clarify theological concepts, and nurture spiritual growth. It involves engaging teaching methods, such as interactive discussions, reflective activities, and meaningful rituals, which facilitate a deepening of faith. Catechesis equips believers to articulate their beliefs, live out the gospel in their daily lives, and actively participate in the worshiping community. By fostering a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and equipping individuals with a solid theological foundation, catechesis empowers disciples to authentically live out their faith and share it with others. We meet for about an hour after each service, except on the Second Sunday of the month, when we have a potluck.